Need to spice up your food a little bit?
Look up AIP recipes online, when you find an ingredient that is not listed check and see if you can find something on your shopping list that would be maybe even yummier.
Review the reintroduction phase you will start next week
in your Whole Body Reset workbook. If you signed up for the Whole Body Reset, schedule your 1:1 Life Coaching session with Ellen here
Journaling Prompt:
Look at your goal for this Whole Body Reset. I want to be in your future self, that has just realized you have completely accomplished your goal 100%, what feeling do you feel when you notice this? What actions did you take to get there? Did you do something? Did you not do something? Be with this future self. Learn from them, many times we have so many answers already all we have to do is ask. If you are not signed up for the whole body reset and need some help:
We would love to invite you to the life-changing journey that is having your own personal life coach to help you see into your mind
There, we have many more resources to support you along your journey.